Solar Steel supplies solar trackers TrackSmarT+2V for a new project with Eiffage Energía

Solar Steel, division of Gonvarri Industries, closes the supply of TrackSmarT+2V solar trackers for a new 50MW project with Eiffage Energía.

The CSF Tabernas project, belonging to X-ELIO, located in the towns of Lucainena de las Torres, Tabernas and Sorbas (Almería), consists of 1,155 TrackSmarT+2V solar trackers and 92,932 panels generating the energy supply equivalent to 10,000 homes/year.

These figures will mean the generation of renewable energy sufficient to avoid 20,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Solar Steel confirms with this project as one of the fastest growing and most environmentally committed solar tracker manufacturers in the market at international and national level.